It's Day 2 for the Where Lilacs Still Bloom Blog Hop (comments for Sandra Byrd)

Thank you dear friend Sandra Byrd for being today's host! 

Since Sandra doesn't have comments on her site, everyone has been instructed to comment here for your entry into the contest.  If today is your first day joining the hop and you are a little confused as to what to do, where to go, just visit here for instructions.  They are pretty easy, I promise!

Today's question (unless Sandra posted one):
What will you be planting this year in your garden? Or if you don't have one, what would be planting if you could?

A few other fun places to participate and engage.
  • Do you have a picture of last year's garden, or one that has just gotten planted? Let's see them! One place is on the Pinterest Community board, Celebrating Spring with Friends.  Anyone can participate, just visit the link.
  • Or the other place if you are not on Pinterest is Facebook.  Share your photos that speak of Spring to you on my Facebook page
  • In honor of Where Lilacs Still Bloom, Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group is giving away a membership to receive flowers for a year.  Enter here to win.
  • Don't for get to visit & comment on each blog so you can enter to win!
  • You can also follow me on Twitter, and you might find the monthly Story Sparks of interest too.

Tomorrow be sure to visit Cindy Woodsmall


Debbie Austin ( said…
I am going to be planting a wildflower garden in one bare corner of my yard.
Jen said…
I enjoy Sandra's books and enjoyed exploring her website!
BurtonReview said…
I am looking forward to Byrd's The Secret Keeper
And definitely looking forward to Jane's newest book. Wonder what others of Jane's I need to read?!
Jane said…
That sounds wonderful Debbie. I have wildflowers growing around a labyrinth walking path and I love how the blooms change. Enjoy!
Jane said…
Me too, Jen! Sandra is a fabulous writer and did you know that her book "To Die For" has been nominated for a Christy award for the best in Christian fiction? A well-deserved honor.
Adrienne said…
I will be planting a Korean Lilac that I bought during Lilac Days at Hulda's Garden last year when we took my dear, little 88-year-old mother to visit. It's been sitting in a pot outside my kitchen window and has weathered the storms of winter. Now - soon - it will have a place in the garden just across from my window where I can enjoy it from inside and out! The fragrance of the blossoms is extravagant!

On a personal note - your sweet sister-in-law, Normie, is a good friend of mine (and my mother's) from my childhood days! Her sister, Bev, was my kindred-spirit friend through my growing up years in Bend. Their dear mother, who loved me like her own, introduced me to my sweetheart, now my 'groom' of forty years! So, my friend, I think we must be family!
Pam K. said…
I will keep my garden small. I hope to plant a couple of cherry tomato plants, a pepper plant or two and some herbs if I can get them to grow from seed. I already have a variety of flowers and some strawberry plants growing. I enjoy gardening but it is getting harder as I age.
Jax said…
I wish I could have a 'real' garden, but much grows well in our Georgia red clay. I only had 1 tulip bloom this year, which is sad for even me. Out back, I've finally gotten blackberries and raspberries to grow. This year I may actually have more than 2 berries. My husband and I are both so excited.
Anonymous said…
We just planted a lilac we bought at Hulda's Garden. We also plan on planting some veggie's and hope they grow better than last year's!
Suzy Roehr
Lane Hill House said…
Do you feel your Mississippi River and John Day River days drew you to Hulda's story, when she found strength from the river near her?
Gilda Weisskopf said…
I will be planting wild flowers, sunflowers (yes the mammouth ones), marigolds, and anything else that strikes my fancy. I might even plant a lilac bush. I just wish they would smell wonderful all summer. I have just added Sandra Byrd to my must read list.
Donna said…
Last year we planted the entire garden in flowers for our daughter's October wedding. This year we are looking forward to vegetables again. My favorites are purple beans and cylinder shaped beets!
Unknown said…
I will be planting the only things I've ever been able to grow in our garden, peppers of all different colors & tomatoes. My mom has the job of planting the big garden & she said today it was all planted. Unfortunately we have a freeze watch for tomorrow night so she'll have to cover some of the plants & all the strawberries.
Nancee said…
I'll be planting more perennials in my gardens this year, some verbena, ornamental grasses, etc.
Thank you for offering this contest. This book sounds wonderful!
Nancee in Western Michigan
Emma said…
I will be planting all kind of flowers this year.Where Lilacs Still Bloom sounds wonderful.Please enter me for a chance to win an autographed copy of Where Lilacs Still Bloom. Thank you for the opportunity to win.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.
Jane said…
Donna, you have been picked as one of the winners during last week's blog hop, however we do not have your email. Please email: impactauthoratcomcastdotcom when you get this so we can notify you. If we do not hear from you by tomorrow AM 7:00MT we will have to pick a new winner. Thank you!