Mother-Daughter Stories of Secrets, Reflections, Life lessons #5

from Trish Jorgenson
photo credit
My little story is about my daughter Lisa and her mom, me. My daughter lived in Kona, Hawaii for 8 years while my hubby Doug and I moved into my parents home to take care of them s they were failing. Daddy ended up in foster care as I simply could not give him the kind of 24 hour care that he needed and still take care of mom. Then the bottom fell out for me as my hubby Doug contracted MRSA (an infection that NEVER goes away) while having a back surgery for a on-the-job injury. Lisa flew back and forth from Kona 13 times in one year to be there for me as her daddy went through 26 surgeries and to help me with her grammy as she went downhill. The final straw was May 9, 2002 when my mom had just a few hours left and Doug has a massive heart attack and I didn't know what direfction to take. I wanted to be with my precious hubby but I also wanted to be my mom in her final moments on this earth. Lisa flew ! over again and just took over. The fog I was in was incredible and I was so very grateful for Lisa and her calm sense of purpose, her blanket of love for all of us but moist of all for her take charge attitude. Mom went to be with Jesus that night with me having the privilege of being by her side, something that I will always be grateful for. This would not have happened had it not been for Lisa and her willingness to be there once again for me. She is an amazing woman and I love her deeply.
